Bulk Cargo Receipt

To Create a Bulk Cargo Receipt

  1. Click Bulk Cargo Receipt on the navigation bar

  2. Click the New Outturn new_outturn button and the Bulk Cargo Receipt page is now displayed:

    • Fill in the Vessel info to the Date Prepared
    • Fill in the Tank info Before and After
    • Enter Quantities Discharged
    • Enter Vessel Temperature (if required)
    • Enter Vessel Density (if required)
    • Add notes (if required)
    • Update button to save
    • Process button to Process the information entered
    • Completed button to close transaction
    • Actions button to Add Another Record (if required)
    • Actions button to Add Missing Tanks (if required)
    • Actions button to Export to Excel (if required)
    • Bulk Cargo List button to exit the transaction


After processing a bulk cargo receipt, you must enter the PO Number (from GP) before you can close the transaction. Once the Bulk Cargo Receipt is at process status without the Po Number, you will need to force open the transaction, enter the Po Number, update, process the transaction and then complete the transaction.