
Filling Summary Report

  1. Click Reports on the navigation bar.

  2. From the drop-down menu select Filling Summary Report and the Report (See image below) is now displayed:

    • Select Day/Month of Filling Summary to view
    • Analyze/View Filling Summary
    • Actions button to Show Unit Conversions
    • Actions button to Export to Excel

Stock Advice Report

  1. Click Reports on the navigation bar.

  2. From the drop-down menu select Stock Advice Report, then select the week of the Stock Advice and the Report (See image below) will be displayed:

    • Date Prepared enter date
    • Other Comments enter/read any comments
    • Update button to save
    • Completed button to close the transaction
    • Send Email button to email directly to Supply
    • Actions button to Export to Excel
    • Stock Advise button to exit the transaction


Only complete/send email to Supply once the current week and the corresponding transactions are completed. Update and then complete/send email.

Variance Report

  1. Click Reports on the navigation bar.

  2. From the drop-down menu select Variance Report, and the Report (See image below) is now displayed:

    • Select Day/Month of Filling Summary to view
    • Analyze/View Filling Summary
    • Actions button to Show Unit Conversions
    • Actions button to Export to Excel