Delivery Transactions

To Create Bulk Deliveries

  1. Click Delivery Transactions on the navigation bar
  2. Select Bulk Deliveries from the drop-down menu
  3. Select the Add Record add_record button and the Bulk Deliveries page (See image below) would be displayed:
    • Enter Date and Time Prepared
    • Select Customer Name
    • Select Driver Name
    • Enter Manual Invoice Number
    • Select Truck Number
    • Enter Bulk Delivery Volume (lbs, lts, kgs)
    • Add Notes (if required)
    • Update button to save
    • Completed button to close the transaction
    • Actions button to Add Another Record (if required)
    • Bulk Deliveries button to exit the transaction


All Bulk Deliveries created can be exported to excel based on date range selected by using the Actions button next to the Add Record button on the main page.


To Create Cylinders In and Out Transactions

  1. Click Delivery Transactions on the navigation bar
  2. Select Cylinders In and Out from the drop-down menu
  3. Click the Add Record add_record button and the Cylinders In and Out page (See image Below) would be displayed:
    • Select Cylinder Type
    • Enter Transaction Date and Time Prepared
    • Select Customer
    • Select Driver
    • Enter Invoice Number
    • Enter Delivery Order Number
    • Select Truck Number
    • Enter Full Cylinders Out
    • Enter Leakers Exchange
    • Enter Empty Cylinder In
    • Enter Full Cylinders In
    • Enter Leakers In
    • Enter Deposits In
    • Enter Collections In
    • Add Notes (if required)
    • Update button to save
    • Completed button to close the transaction
    • Actions button to Add Another Record
    • Cylinder Deliveries button to exit the transaction


Some fields above may not be present based on the cylinder type selected. All Cylinders In and Out created can be exported to excel based on date range selected by using the Actions button next to the Add Record button on the main page.
